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Previous events

Chants & Communication Celestiale with Hansu Jot & Adarsh Khalsa

 — (CEST, UTC+02) — (CEST, UTC+02)

Satnam Montmatre, 7 Imp. Marie Blanche, Paris

Chants & Communication Célestiale La Puissance du Son Sacré

Le son sacré apaise le corps, l’esprit et l’âme. Lorsqu’il est pratiqué avec une écoute et une perception profondes (Sunni-ai), ainsi qu’avec la répétition (Japa) et exprimé avec un alignement émotionnel authentique, il devient un outil de guérison puissant. Cette expérience peut apporter équilibre et sagesse.

Dans la Communication Célestiale, les mouvements des bras et des mains s’ajoutent à l’expression du son sacré, le rendant incarné. En incarnant le son, vous ressentez la vibration à travers votre corps physique et énergétique. Vous créez une empreinte viscérale du mantra dans votre être qui vous accompagne au-delà du moment présent. C’est une expérience de réceptivité profonde au son, menant finalement à un état de grâce.

49€ in person; 29€ online


Discover the 'Transformative Power of Mantra'

 — (UTC+04) — (UTC+04)

Eka Mai, Port de La Mer, La Cote B4, Dubai

Discover the 'Transformative Power of Mantra' in our upcoming workshop by Hansu Jot.

Mantras are mystical gateways of sound that elevate us from our current state into a higher vibration, empowering us to experience profound inner stillness. In this state, the sweetness of life flows into our minds like honey, transforming worries into pure bliss. This is the miracle of mantra.

Led by Hansu Jot, a skilled Energy Healer, Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer, and devotional music artist, this workshop will guide you through the practices of reciting, chanting, and silently absorbing mantras. Each mantra takes you deeper into your true Self, unveiling layers of peace and enlightenment.

Join us on May 5th, from 10 am to 12 pm for a journey into the heart of mantra, where every sound opens a path to bliss and self-discovery.

350 AED

Introduction to Kundalini Yoga

 — (UTC+04) — (UTC+04)

Eka Mai, Port de La Mer, La Cote B4, Dubai

Begin your journey with the 'Introduction to Kundalini Yoga' workshop, perfectly crafted for new practitioners eager to explore the foundational aspects of this powerful yoga discipline.

In this 3-hour session, you will be gently guided through the basics of Kundalini Yoga, learning techniques that open the body and mind to new possibilities of healing and growth.

Led by Hansu Jot, an accomplished Energy Healer, Kundalini Yoga Trainer, and devotional music artist, this workshop offers a nurturing environment where music and movement harmonize to awaken your spiritual potential.

Join us on April 28th from 11am to 1pm for an enriching experience that lays the groundwork for a transformative yoga practice.

350 AED

This is one of the most important days of the year to do an intense practice that connects you to your soul purpose, your creativity and the projection of your success.

Three great teachers that will give you the essence of this powerful day.

whole day 90€, one class 35€, only lunch 15€

Ignite your radiance summer solstice celebration with Panch Nishan & Hansu Jot

 — (CEST, UTC+02) — (CEST, UTC+02)

Michelberger Hotel, Warschauer Str. 39/40, Berlin

Kundalini Yoga workshop Live Chanting Celebration Join us for an invigorating Kundalini Yoga workshop that will cleanse and strengthen your body, revealing your untapped potential. Through the power of enchanting mantras, your mind will be illuminated, clearing the path of obstacles and allowing life to work in your favour. Engage in a sacred ceremony to touch the essence of your being, carrying you into a new season of life with renewed purpose.


BEHOLD THE LIGHT - Lionsgate workshop with Hansu Jot & Ardas Chandra

 — (CEST, UTC+02) — (CEST, UTC+02)


Hansu Jot and Ardas Chandra will be hosting an online experience together on August 8th, also known as the Lion’s Gate, a great cosmic portal for manifestation when we commit to a life of great courage and grace.

This experience BEHOLD THE LIGHT will have two parts:

Hansu Jot will guide you into the zero space with a sound journey and a meditative experience (Part I) getting you ready for creating the future, then we’ll take a few minutes break and continue with Ardas Chandra’s guidance with a journaling session, unlocking the power of our mind and this wonderful ability called imagination (Part II).

The link will be sent out on the day as well as a ready-to-print mini-workbook to support your visionary journey.

Pre-register now, get the early bird ticket price, until July 31st — $44 US, From August 1st, ticket price rises — $55 US

A mantra is like a gateway of sound to walk through. It lifts us from the state we are in into an altered vibrations empowering us to experience inner stillness.

Together we go on a journey into our voice and into the inherent sound current called “Naad”. We will explore the fundamental emotions that are all present in our everyday lives, consciously or unconsciously.

And every time we recite a mantra, chant or listen in silence it takes us deeper and deeper into our true Self.

Sacred Sound & Creative Movement with Hansu Jot & Adarsh

 —  —

ZOOM - 10am LA // 6pm Paris (checkyour timezone)

Sound of Oneness and Movements of Grace come together from across continents to share a 2-hour experience of sacred sound and creative movement with you. In this workshop, you will experience:

Deep listening and attunement to your senses and soul Opening your voice and your 5th chakra center of creative expression Soothing your nervous system and building your aura with Celestial Communication movements Relaxation and recalibration of your energy Divine guidance and harmonizing between the polarities of finite and infinite

This is an opportunity for a major tune-up and to create a vibratory field ~ both for yourself and for the planet.

"I feel the collaboration of Adarsh's Celestial Communication movement and Hansu Jot's music is so incredibly powerful. It feels very otherworldly and has the capacity to transport me which is not an easy thing to do! I can't really even put my feelings into words but I know, in the very depths of my soul, how special it is and am grateful to be able to experience it." ~ Lisa H

SOUND OF ONENESS - online gathering

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A journey into the sacred space through sound and meditation with live music 10 am LA, 1 pm NY, 7 pm PARIS, 8 pm MOSCOW, 9 pm DUBAI

SOUND OF ONENESS - online gathering

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A journey into the sacred space through sound and meditation with live music 10 am LA, 1 pm NY, 7 pm PARIS, 8 pm MOSCOW, 9 pm DUBAI


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Seva Experience, Jumeirah Beach Road, 27B Street, Villa 5/1B Jumeirah 1, Postcode: 413752, Dubai

Letting Go of Trauma and Old Habits

“It is not the circumstances that define us, but the way we respond to them.”

We are always given the choice to face a challenge with fear or with love. The latter allows us to move on unharmed and thrive in any situation, while the former leaves us scarred and traumatised. This trauma endures until we thoroughly process the energies which cause the experience of ongoing anxiety and fear that we hold in our system.

In Kundalini Yoga and through meditative practises, we intentionally allow the frequency of our brain to change so that we may enter a meditative state. This allows our subconscious mind to release old energies which are holding us back from living our lives to their fullest potential.

An afternoon of Kundalini Yoga, Live angelic healing channeling, inspiring talks and sacred chanting. To be joyful, happy and successful is our birthright as human beings. Claim it.

350 AED

Cosmic Love gathering - Sacred Chant and Meditation

ZOOM space

"In the beginning is Love and in the end is Love, there is nothing beyond Love" Let s dive deep into the ocean of sound and connect to the frequency of Cosmic Love, as we listen, channel, express the sacred sound and thus become co-creators of this universe.